Marlou flies into London from the USA on her 30th birthday.
I head to London after work to meet Marlou who had flown into town that morning, along with Bobet's sister Mitzi and three children the day before.
After failing to find a table for seven in a pub that serves traditional British food, we settle for Italian pasta, steaks and prawns. Desert brings a birthday coffee & cream cake, gifts, cards and a dubious birthday dance by the waiter.
Following dinner Mitzi and kids head for home, while the three of us return to The Jack Horner, a Fuller's pub for Marlou's first real ale, a pint of London Pride. On closing we find a pub closer to home for the final pint of the evening.
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Oh, sorry
It was because Marlou's was a big round number, e.g. 30, 40, 50.